Afghanistan (MNN) — Hope remains in Afghanistan despite incredibly challenging circumstances.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Hope remains in Afghanistan despite incredibly challenging circumstances.
International (MNN) — Should different ministries and denominations work together?
Lebanon (MNN) — Less than 30-percent of Lebanon’s population lived in poverty before 2019. Now it’s above 70-percent.
International (MNN) — The ETEN alliance involves 11 of the world’s most influential Bible translation organizations.
Lebanon (MNN) — Cry Out Now requests prayer for Lebanon and other Near Eastern countries.
Lebanon (MNN) — ABTS to gradually increase course offerings through a new partnership.
Pakistan (MNN) — Prayer is a critical component of Great Commission effort.
MENA (MNN) — Ministries team up with one goal: reaching millions with the Good News of Christ.
International (MNN) — Technology, collaboration provide Kingdom opportunity
China (MNN) — As restrictions tighten in China, Bibles for China seeks new solutions