Uganda (MNN) — Lifewater restores dignity to hundreds in northern Uganda
Uganda (MNN) — Lifewater restores dignity to hundreds in northern Uganda
Guatemala (MNN) — Ministry deals with aftermath of Guatemala’s volcanic eruption
Cambodia (MNN) — Local water source helps save Cambodians from danger
Nicaragua (MNN) — LWI makes clean water sustainable
International (MNN) — FH fights disease with easy environmental fixes
Ghana (MNN) — Waterborne diseases decrease significantly as a result of Christ-centered water projects
Kenya (MNN) — Curriculum changes the future of health and sanitation for Kenyan schools
International (MNN) — Ministry highlights benefits of clean water and shares success
International (MNN) — World Water Day 2012 and hard work bring hope and life to the poor
South Asia (MNN) — ‘Jesus Wells’ bring safe water, Living Water to village