Haiti (MNN) — Cholera epidemic reaches Haiti’s capital
USA (MNN) — Food For the Hungry asks Congress to reverse funding cuts to foreign aid
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — One ministry’s end becomes a launch for another
Libya (MNN) — Gaddafi shells Misrata; TV network encourages civilians
Japan (MNN) — Status of 300 tsunami-affected churches mostly unknown
Ethiopia (MNN) — Voice of the Martyrs says one Christian is dead in Muslim/Christian violence
USA (MNN) — Food For the Hungry asks U.S. Senate to reverse funding cuts to foreign aid
Cuba (MNN) — 20 percent of Cuba’s workforce seeks employment, Christians respond
USA (MNN) — Christianity Today says Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches give more
Haiti (MNN) — Lack of buildings not stopping church growth in Haiti, help is needed