Egypt (MNN) — Military stepping up power hold in Egypt; Christians going into hiding.
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Egypt (MNN) — Military stepping up power hold in Egypt; Christians going into hiding.
Russia (MNN) — 2014 Winter Olympics already on the ministry calendar
Sub-Saharan Africa (MNN) — BGR impacting HIV/AIDS victims with buckets?
USA (MNN) — Oklahoma damage assessments underway in the wake of EF5 tornado
Saudi Arabia (MNN) — Grand Mufti tells Arabian Peninsula to destroy all churches
Cuba (MNN) — FARMS International says their new ministry in Cuba resourcing the church
Iran (MNN/Mohabat) — Pastor is convicted of ‘planting house churches’ — a national security issue
Iraq (MNN) — Christ-followers seek harmony as rebels push division
Nigeria (MNN) — Christians fear Boko Haram attacks on Christmas day
Syria (MNN) — Targeted violence against believers in Syria growing