Turkey (MNN) — The government accused him of participating in an attempted coup in 2016.
China (MNN) — In China, a new law restricting any religious material from the internet has gone into effect.
Russia (MNN) — Speaking out against the war can get Russian Christians in a lot of trouble.
Lebanon (MNN) — On May 15, Lebanon will hold general elections.
Ethiopia (MNN) — “It is impossible for them to just blend in.”
Russia (MNN) — Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has left China in an awkward place.
Spain (MNN) — Russia’s invasion of Ukraine caused gas prices in Europe to spike.
Turkey (MNN) — Intelligence officials claim they pose a security risk but do not say how.
Myanmar (MNN) — Meanwhile, the U.S. says Myanmar’s military committed genocide against the Rohingya people.
Uganda (MNN) — VOM wants to help Ugandan churches prepare for increased persecution.