Lebanon (MNN) — Ministry happens not in the tasks you do but in the relationships you have with those you serve.
Iran (MNN) — Bible translation builds up the Church in a Middle Eastern nation that is full of more good news than you might think.
Taiwan (MNN) — Tensions between China and Taiwan continue to play out after elections.
Lebanon (MNN) — Increasing conflicts in the Middle East are affecting gospel ministry in Lebanon.
Türkiye (MNN) — One year after the earthquakes that devastated much of Türkiye, the nation needs vision and perseverance for long-term rebuilding.
Haiti (MNN) — Violence is spreading beyond Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, but church leaders still pursue biblical training.
North Africa (MNN) — A church leader said “Praise God!” when the government closed twenty churches. Here is why.
North Africa (MNN) — Christian leaders in restricted nations are hungry for discipleship. Would you prayerfully consider investing in them?
Cuba (MNN) — Citizens of Cuba face multiple fronts as the economy flounders. How is the Church responding?
International (MNN) — For Deaf people without formal education or even a sign language, reading the Bible is impossible. Or is it?