Turkey (MNN) — Tensions inflamed between Turkey, Syria; increasing military response
China (MNN) — How do you keep a church healthy? Invest in its future.
Kazakhstan (MNN) — Pastor is shaken, requesting prayer as he sits in jail awaiting his fate
Russia (MNN) — Moscow Pentecostal church is demolished, Russian Ministries will keep working.
USA (MNN) — EFCA TouchGlobal is praying that Hurricane relief aids in planting more churches
Africa (MNN) — MAF seeking funds for a fleet upgrade to further the Great Commission
International (MNN) — Bethany kicks off SafeNotSold campaign to stop child trafficking
Egypt (MNN) — Egypt urged to make forward progress with religious freedom
Romania (MNN) — Government threatens to shut down small churches; ministry still growing
Haiti (MNN) — VBS put on by Denver high schoolers draws over 550 Haitian kids