Saudi Arabia (MNN) — Dynamics in the Middle East grow more complex daily, yet a faithful Church increases by God’s grace.
USA (MNN) — American believers can be an example of Christ-like unity.
Russia (MNN) — Jesus’ command to go and make disciples of all nations applies to every Christian and to every context.
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya’s Generation Z is fed up.
Russia (MNN) — Believers in southern Russia choose faith over fear to share the gospel, but for them the cultural stakes are high.
Sudan (MNN) — Hundreds of thousands of people are on the brink of starving.
Lebanon (MNN) — Chance are, your life has been deeply impacted by someone who served you or listened to you in a moment of need.
China (MNN) — Bibles for China president calls Tiananmen a watershed moment for the Gospel’s spread.
Russia (MNN) — Russia’s Republic of Dagestan concludes three days of mourning after attacks by Islamic militants on Sunday.
Haiti (MNN) — Funerals for the slain missionaries were recently held.