Asia (MNN) — Believers face persecution, storms, and elephants.
Asia (MNN) — Believers face persecution, storms, and elephants.
Iraq (MNN) — Muslim extremists hone in on Iraqi Christians.
Ukraine (MNN) — Ukrainian Christians ask the world to pray for leadership.
Ukraine (MNN) — Christians pray for God to break through the propaganda in the Ukrainian crisis.
Russia (MNN) — Property of Fun Zone host may be confiscated.
Nigeria (MNN) — Government steps up efforts to stop Boko Haram; ministry urges prayer.
Ukraine (MNN) — Ukraine is poised for revival as civil unrest grows.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Spike in wave of violence against Christians in Sri Lanka.
Cuba (MNN) — Ministry invests in Cuban Church; harvest to come.
Iran (MNN) — Farsi speakers banned from attending church in Iran.