Bibles for China resumes Bible distribution in light of lockdowns being lifted
International (MNN) — Want your church to grow in worship and connection with the global Church?
USA (MNN) — Four imperatives for Christians in the COVID-19 pandemic
Syria (MNN) – PTEE praises God for the ability to continue classes in Syria.
Turkey (MNN) — Religious freedom icon converted into mosque; what does it mean for believers?
Brazil (MNN) — As cases spike in Brazil, Compassion International works with the Church to provide food and protective equipment to those in need.
International (MNN) — Spoken Worldwide’s Ed Weaver shares thoughts on reopening churches and what the pandemic taught the Church
Iran (MNN) — Iran Christians minister to neighbors despite outside pressure
USA (MNN) — Couples facing unplanned pregnancies right now have greater challenges
Lebanon (MNN) — ABTS has changed the format of its 2020 Middle East Consultation, but still plans to build up the Church in MENA and around the world.