Southeast Asia (MNN) — Working alongside the local church, FARMS International equips believers to do more in the name of Jesus.
Russia (MNN) — Despite challenges, the Gospel is still going out.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) – SAT-7 spreads hope in a part of the world suffering many crises and strengthens believers in Christ.
China (MNN) — Chinese Christians need to proof Bibles for state alterations
Laos (MNN) — Laos officials planted spies in Christian congregations
USA (MNN) — Positive views of Jesus are much higher than of His messengers.
Mongolia (MNN) — Hundreds are coming to Christ at summer Gospel festivals.
Turkiye (MNN) — Quake survivors struggle as water and electricity repayments start.
USA (MNN) — These lesser-known stories of North African faith heroes are having an impact!
Uganda (MNN) — Moses and Mary had no idea God would use ECM to change their life!