Holy Land (MNN) — Christians in the Middle East and North Africa react to the crisis in the Holy Land
Israel (MNN) — Beit Hallel Congregation is providing war relief to Israeli soldiers, families.
Haiti (MNN) — Pastors in Haiti shoulder many of the struggles and needs of their congregations. That’s why Christian World Outreach is excited that after a multi-year gap, its annual conference for leaders in Haiti is scheduled for January.
China (MNN) — What does a Chinese Bible look like?
Africa (MNN) — In light of Ephesians 6:12, here’s how to pray for Africa.
Syria (MNN) – Unrest continues to leave Syrians without access to basic needs.
India (MNN) — A new IDOP devotional prompts prayer for persecuted Indian believers.
Turkiye (MNN) — The summer camp ministry is looking for a new location in Turkiye next year.
FSU (MNN) — Each Immanuel’s Child Christmas gift reaches a kid with the Gospel.
Poland/Ukraine (MNN) — SGA is helping Polish churches send aid into Ukraine.