Bangladesh (MNN) — New charges presented to keep Pastor Tomal in jail.
Azerbaijan (MNN) — USCIRF released a new report on Azerbaijan.
China (MNN) — Chinese Christians know their every move is watched.
Vietnam (MNN) — A local A3 pastor translated for Franklin Graham’s message.
Yemen (MNN) — Christians in Yemen face bloodshed and ostracism because of their faith.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Tamil and Sinhalese believers come together for the Gospel.
CHINA (MNN) — Christians in China continue to face persecution, but by God’s grace they are responding with creativity and resilience.
Israel/Gaza (MNN) — The Bible Society in Israel provides biblical resources in Hebrew for kids.
Turkiye (MNN) — Turkish Christians being Jesus’ hands even still.
International (MNN) — Ministry gets a new name, keeps the same heart and mission!