Pakistan (MNN) — Nearly 4,000 people came to Christ through the snapshot tool
Pakistan (MNN) — Nearly 4,000 people came to Christ through the snapshot tool
Asia (MNN) — ‘As the pastor goes, so goes the church.’
Uganda (MNN) — Pastoral training opens doors for sustainable ministry in Uganda.
Kenya (MNN) — An April commitment brings the Gospel and growth to Kenya.
Cuba (MNN) — Raul Castro announces retirement, rumors swirl
Taiwan (MNN) — OM to host conference in Taiwan to keep up with church growth
Syria (MNN) — Risky house meetings bring food, medicine to 600 weary believers
Iran (MNN) — Iranian believers boldly share faith, church explosion results
China (MNN) — Five house-church leaders released after years; others remain in prison
Cuba (MNN) — Thousands saved in communist country through sponsored pastors’ ministries