Algeria (MNN) — Like water erodes stone over time, government pressure wears down the Christian community and avoids international attention.
Algeria (MNN) — Like water erodes stone over time, government pressure wears down the Christian community and avoids international attention.
Algeria (MNN) — Leaders used to teach that the Church was only a building.
Algeria (MNN) — U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken met with his cohorts in Algeria’s capital a year ago today.
Algeria (MNN) — A state-led campaign against Protestant churches continues in Algeria.
Algeria (MNN) — Local believers say Algerian government is closing more churches and targeting Christian leaders.
Algeria (MNN) — 20 Protestant churches have been sealed or ordered to close since 2017.
Algeria (MNN) — Persecution intensifies in Algeria.
Algeria (MNN) — When former Prime Minister Abdelaziz Djerad resigned in late June, Finance Minister Ayman Benabderrahmane stepped forward to take his place.
Algeria (MNN) — Help TWR launch a new program to encourage persecuted believers.
Algeria (MNN) — “Algerian Christian leaders are a little bit worried that they are disappearing from people’s radar”