India (MNN) — Indian Christians are faithful to the Gospel amidst a turbulent election season.
Mozambique (MNN) — As Islamic terrorists continue to rampage in northern Mozambique, many Christians face death.
Iraq (MNN) — A Gospel worker recently saw a Yazidi woman enter her class with sorrow etched on every feature.
Pakistan (MNN) — At least 600 prisoners are facing capital punishment right now because they’ve been accused of blasphemy.
Israel (MNN) — “There’s a lot of upheaval in the Jewish community; there is so much trauma.”
Israel (MNN) — How should Christians navigate debate about Israel and Palestine?
Pakistan (MNN) — Actions like these can easily turn into Gospel opportunities.
Mozambique (MNN) — Islamic State associates are once again ravaging northern Mozambique.
Iraq (MNN) — Numerous Yazidis have encountered the Gospel since being driven from their homeland by the Islamic State in 2014.
Nigeria (MNN) — Nigerian Christians face violence from nomads they used to host