China (MNN) — Bibles for China president calls Tiananmen a watershed moment for the Gospel’s spread.
China (MNN) — Bibles for China president calls Tiananmen a watershed moment for the Gospel’s spread.
Russia (MNN) — Russian churches are advancing the Kingdom of God.
Indonesia (MNN) — The new capital project continues to face major hiccups.
Iraq (MNN) — Iraq’s second-largest city fell to Islamic State control on June 10, 2014.
Chad (MNN) — Working among “frontier” or unreached people groups presents its own set of challenges.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Cyclone response is underway in Bangladesh, but the United Nations says more help is needed.
USA (MNN) — How fit are you for service to God, physically as well as spiritually?
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan’s latest headlines grow increasingly desperate. Refugees fleeing to neighboring countries arrive with tales of unimaginable horror.
Iran (MNN) — Iran is cracking down on celebrations after Raisi’s death.
Israel (MNN) — Despite Holy Land tensions, pastors are focused on Gospel mission.