Nigeria (MNN) — Fulani militants recently killed 18 Christians in a late-night assault in central Nigeria.
Nigeria (MNN) — Fulani militants recently killed 18 Christians in a late-night assault in central Nigeria.
International (MNN) — Christian conflicts with culture repeat from the Roman Empire to now.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Unknown Nations is reaching Bangladesh with biblical hope.
Sudan (MNN) — Pastors in Sudanese war context need support.
Lebanon (MNN) — How the conflict continues to impact daily life for Lebanese.
USA (MNN) — American believers can be an example of Christ-like unity.
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya’s Generation Z is fed up.
Lebanon (MNN) — Heart for Lebanon’s summer outreach only began last month, but it’s already bearing fruit.
Ukraine (MNN) — SGA is providing light and hope to churches.
Syria (MNN) — Syria may be broken by over a decade of war, but hope remains.