International (MNN) — The coronavirus isn’t the only obstacle to North American missionaries, and Global Disciples believes it is time for a new approach.
International (MNN) — The coronavirus isn’t the only obstacle to North American missionaries, and Global Disciples believes it is time for a new approach.
Iraq (MNN) — A surprising prayer request for Iraqi Christians amidst uncertainty
Nigeria (MNN) — The US has put a travel ban on Nigeria due to the terror threat of Boko Haram and the lethargy of the Nigerian government to handle it.
International (MNN) — TWR speaks truth, not fear, into the Coronavirus epidemic.
Iraq (MNN) — As the protests in Iraq continue, Christians, once enthusiastic backers, are starting to move on.
Lebanon (MNN) — Controversy surrounds confidence vote in Lebanon.
Pakistan (MNN) — The Pakistani government made 39 innocent Christians pay a large sum of blood money, a diya, before releasing them from prison.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Rohingya Christians have been moved to safety following an attack in a Bangladesh refugee camp.
Kenya (MNN) — Not for the faint of heart, a church planting strategy launching in Kenya.
Nigeria (MNN — A lack of religious freedom in sub Saharan Africa has thrown the region into turmoil.