Ukraine (MNN) — They brought food, diapers, medicine, and New Testaments to people in the city.
Ukraine (MNN) — They brought food, diapers, medicine, and New Testaments to people in the city.
Afghanistan (MNN) — The official death toll has risen to 1,150 people.
Nigeria (MNN) — Extremist violence in northern Nigeria threatens the existence of rural communities.
Afghanistan (MNN) — The disaster touched FMI partners in the region as well.
Iran (MNN) — Two women, both leaders in small house churches, will each serve six years.
Nigeria (MNN) — ACLED recorded 46 attacks against Christian targets in 2012.
Ethiopia (MNN) — Despite a ceasefire earlier this year, it’s very difficult to get into the Tigray region.
Egypt (MNN) — The Middle East Council of Churches was founded in 1968.
Ukraine (MNN) — In the northern regions, many Ukrainians have begun to rebuild.
Japan (MNN) — “Both on a vision side and legally, everything is led by Japanese Christians.”