India (MNN) — Famine results from explosion in rat population
Chechnya (MNN) — Russian Ministries reports young people in Muslim Chechnya are receiving love from believers in nearby Beslan.
Pakistan (MNN) — Voice of the Martyrs says Christians in Pakistan have been threatened with violence if they don’t convert to Islam by May 17
India (MNN) — All India Christian Council sends letter to India’s Prime Minister asking that the Christian population be protected
Guatemala (MNN) — Canadian mission teams serve wholeheartedly.
India (MNN) — Christian gives blankets to those who must endure the cold
USA (MNN) — While more than 100,000 acres are charred in one state in the U-S, Christians are coming along side to help.
Turkey (MNN) — As many as one-million people flood the streets of Istanbul protesting pro-Islamic government.
Sudan (MNN) — Eritrean believers seek refuge in Sudan, Christians are reaching out.