Philippines (MNN) — Family of God shows up before starvation hits small village
Africa (MNN) — World Vision is helping flooding victims in East and West Africa in Jesus’ name
Gaza (MNN) — Believers fearful after murder, but ministry says they are light in the darkness
Eritrea (MNN) — Eritrean senior pastor arrested for church work for second time since 2005
North Korea (MNN) — The church is growing in North Korea despite harsh treatment
Indonesia (MNN) — World Vision staff indicate damage low, but emotions are thin
USA (MNN) — With millions of practicing Hindus in the U.S., Christians have an intercultural mission field at its doorstep
USA (MNN) — Sammy Tippit says Christians need to pray for Muslims during Islam’s holy month of Ramadan, which begins tomorrow
Eritrea (MNN) — An Eritrean Christian tortured to death prompts outcry from believers
USA (MNN) — 9/11’s anniversary and the start of Ramadan have Christians concerned