Turkey (MNN) — Brunson’s spent two Christmases and birthdays imprisoned in Turkey
Turkey (MNN) — Brunson’s spent two Christmases and birthdays imprisoned in Turkey
Pakistan (MNN) — Pakistan is called out for religious freedom violations
Pakistan (MNN) — Blasphemy hearing rescheduled after riots in the courtroom
Iran (MNN) — New music video shows the heart of the Iranian Church
Pakistan (MNN) — Reports of Christian persecution have been increasing in Pakistan
USA (MNN) — Curry talks Christian persecution over breakfast at the request of a Jewish Temple
International (MNN) — Wycliffe Associates is making Print On Demand available for Bible translators
Malaysia (MNN) — Little headway in case of missing Malaysian pastor
Malaysia (MNN) — A high profile kidnapping highlights religious tensions
International (MNN) — Somalia, Egypt, Mali, Bangladesh: rising extremist persecution