Greece (MNN) — Specific needs being met despite overwhelming big picture.
Greece (MNN) — Specific needs being met despite overwhelming big picture.
Ukraine (MNN) — Christians feed the hungry, physically and spiritually.
Middle East (MNN) — Christians among the captives released by ISIS.
Burma (CAM) — As native missionary shares the Gospel, workers stop to listen.
Pakistan (MNN) — Christian community in Pakistan mourns; workers remain steadfast.
Indonesia (CAM/MNN) — When business and Gospel spreading go hand-in-hand.
India (CAM) — A ministry is turning away wrath from Hindus and Muslims, a big part is because they’ve started a dairy farm.
Middle East (CAM/MNN) — Yazidi refugees are hearing the Gospel and coming to Christ.
Niger (MNN) — Potential violence against Christians looms in Niger.