Nigeria (MNN) — Boko Haram has been busy lately, but so has the Lord.
Nigeria (MNN) — Boko Haram has been busy lately, but so has the Lord.
Philippines (CAM) — The church mourns the death of a missionary and his son.
Turkey (MNN) — Turkey, Syria play refugee ping-pong as ISIS takes Kobane.
International (MNN) — Help make Christmas hopeful for refugees.
Sierra Leone (CAM) — The country may be Ebola-free, but the struggles aren’t over.
Laos (MNN) — Christmas is more than just a celebration. It’s a time of action.
Lebanon (MNN) — Syrian refugees must pay for permission to stay in Lebanon.
Ukraine (Christian Aid Mission) — After being ministered to, Ukrainian war victims have chosen Jesus and are starting churches
Philippines (MNN) — Caliphate debate underway as lawmakers head to break.
Ukraine (MNN) — After two months of subdued violence, fighting increases along with inflation.