China (MNN) — The ministry provides Bibles to be distributed in rural China.
China (MNN) — Why are Chinese believers short on Bibles?
China (MNN) — China’s leader could rule for another five years
China (MNN) — Authorities liquidated a 30-year-old house church in Xi’an.
Thailand (MNN) — The Shenzhen Holy Reformed Church, also dubbed “Mayflower Church,” appeals to the United Nations for help.
China (MNN) — “Nothing is underground in China.”
China (MNN) — Zero-COVID policy and repeat lockdowns take a toll on the world’s second-largest economy.
China (MNN) — Tensions build between China and the U.S.
China (MNN) – Bibles for China works with churches in Russia to get Bibles into the hands of Chinese believers.
China (MNN) — Chinese officials locked down a popular resort city after 450 COVID-19 cases in 5 days.