China (MNN) — Christian search terms seem to have been blocked and Christian accounts deleted.
China (MNN) — That’s why Bibles for China hopes to do more work in the literacy space.
Asia (MNN) — Red Cross warns of COVID-19 “explosion” in Asia.
China (MNN) — New rules require all religious workers to support the Chinese Communist Party.
Nepal (MNN) — In early April, Hindu nationalists in Nepal forged a document, accusing Christians of creating ethnic divisions.
China (MNN) — At least 1 million Uighurs have been taken to about 85 prison camps in Northwest China.
International (MNN) — Religious freedom advocates outline challenges in 26 nations, recommend administrative action.
China (MNN) — The COVID-19 virus first began infecting people in China in late 2019.
China (MNN) — The Chinese government continues to crack down on religious freedom.
Middle East North Africa (MNN) — Asian Access approaches regional differences with confidence.