Malawi (MNN) — New JESUS Film launch just for the little ones
Malawi (MNN) — New JESUS Film launch just for the little ones
Tanzania (MNN) — Students take a trip to town to help other children
West Africa (MNN) — Book of Hope makes large strides now, considers future progress
Uganda (MNN) — Uganda’s refugees remain reluctant to return home; children pay the price
Russia (MNN) — Book of Hope is beginning to revamp its approach to ministry due to societal shifts in Russia
Kenya (MNN) — Buckner resumes short term trips to Kenya as the country shifts to recovery
Africa (MNN) — Compassion International believes the Africa visit by President Bush will help HIV/AIDS ministry
Guatemala (MNN) — School for Quiche Indians grows out of old building, ministry helps.
China (MNN) — Children’s Hope International is reaching out to the orphans as record snow hits China
International (MNN) — Book of Hope has big hopes for ministry in 2008