Lebanon (MNN) — Kids Alive says Lebanese are tense as elections approach
Lebanon (MNN) — Kids Alive says Lebanese are tense as elections approach
Congo (MNN) — Teacher training has long-term impact on African children
Liberia (MNN) — A Sammy Tippit Ministries team helps in Liberia
USA (MNN) — Bright Hope’s ‘Run For Hungry Children’ sees best year yet
India (MNN) — Gospel for Asia endorses Slum Dog, while encouraging Christians to get involved
USA (MNN) — Compassion International creates interactive game as learning experience
Honduras (MNN) — VeggieTales and CURE Int’l team up to help kids
USA (MNN) — Prayer groups rise up all over U.S. this week for foster care
Thailand (MNN) — New partner distributes evangelistic books; matching gift opportunity