Philippines (MNN) — 65,000 children under Compassion’s care in the Philippines: how did the super typhoon affect them?
South Korea (MNN) — Voice of China and Asia needs funding to refurbish children’s home
International (MNN) — Gospel for Asia is seeing children become great influencers in this giving season
Russia (MNN) — Russian churches need tools to help kids hear the Gospel this Christmas
International (MNN) — MAF is partnering up with #GivingTuesday
Russia (MNN) — SOAR International Ministries needs your help stuffing stockings
International (MNN) — Hope, handmade quilts distributed to orphans in Guatemala and Russia
Ghana (MNN) — ECM brings former temple slaves another step closer to freedom
Haiti (MNN) — Compassion International dedicates first school, 30 more planned
International (MNN) — AMG International already prepping to give Christmas ‘Bundles of Love’