Egypt (MNN) — On August 14, a fire broke out at an Egyptian Coptic church.
Ukraine (MNN) — The war is creating a generation of trauma among Ukraine’s youth.
India (MNN) — Nazila’s children went from malnourished and sick to healthy and thriving!
Afghanistan (MNN) — Some people have sold their kidneys on the black market in order to buy food.
Myanmar (MNN) — Unaccompanied children flood the Thailand border.
International (MNN) — Want to reach children for Christ? Get involved with CEF!
USA (MNN) — Ministry team connects with traumatized community, survivors of Uvalde shooting.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — They threatened the pastor with death if the worship service did not stop.
India (MNN) — You can help turn the spiritual tide in India for Christ!
Bangladesh (MNN) — Christians make up just 0.3 percent of the population of Bangladesh.