West Africa (MNN) — The group has seized a lot of territory, especially in Chad, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, and Niger.
West Africa (MNN) — The group has seized a lot of territory, especially in Chad, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, and Niger.
Chad (MNN) — President Idriss Déby was killed in combat in April.
Chad (MNN) — He was visiting the frontlines of fighting against rebel forces.
North Africa (MNN) — While Boko Haram manipulates with media, IMM points people to Jesus
Chad (MNN) — Global ministries collaborate, equip local Christians for Great Commission work.
Nigeria (MNN — A lack of religious freedom in sub Saharan Africa has thrown the region into turmoil.
Africa (MNN) — Global Disciples is training leaders in nations around the world
Chad (MNN) — Tensions in Chad are similar to what other broken countries have experienced.
Chad (MNN) — Strikes threaten to bubble over into protests