Central Asia (ODM) — The death toll in Central Asia is rising along with grief.
Central Asia (ODM) — The death toll in Central Asia is rising along with grief.
Central Asia (MNN) — New phone system means more requests for Bibles and for prayer.
Pakistan (MNN) — Qadri ruling: the first step toward blasphemy reform?
Central Asia (Mission Eurasia/MNN) — Who you spend time with can impact your life.
Pakistan (UCAN) — Pakistani Christian boy dies five days after being set on fire.
Central Asia (Reach Beyond/MNN) — Reaching beyond physical help to spiritual hope.
Central Asia (MNN) — ‘Stan nations next on terrorist docket.
Pakistan (MNN) — Is the world ready for a nuclear Islamic State?
Central Asia (MNN) — May I borrow a cup of sugar? How about your coffee table?
Central Asia (MNN) — churches are being charged for meeting on their own property.