Russia (MNN) — SGA ministry helps unbelieving families
Russia (MNN) — SGA ministry helps unbelieving families
Russia (MNN) — Christmas is five months away, but this ministry is preparing now!
Central Asia (MNN) — The persecution Deaf Christians face
Uzbekistan (MNN) — Uncertainty greets Uzbekistan in leadership change.
Central Asia (MNN) — Relationships break down cultural walls…with stoves?
Egypt (MNN) — Muslim clerics now required to give government-written sermons
Central Aisa (MNN) — Pray for the encouragement of those in Central Asia
Middle East (MNN) – Midway through Ramadan; consider missions to Muslims
Central Asia (MNN) — Summer means camps ministries, but not for everyone.
Central Asia (MN) — Governments take extreme measures to stop Gospel growth.