Lebanon (MNN) — Chance are, your life has been deeply impacted by someone who served you or listened to you in a moment of need.
Lebanon (MNN) — Rising tensions threaten to tip Gaza war into a regional conflict.
Lebanon (MNN) — According to the latest World Bank report, poverty has more than tripled in Lebanon over the past decade.
Lebanon (MNN) — Heart for Lebanon’s Summer of Hope outreach similar to Vacation Bible School, but goes all summer long.
Lebanon (MNN) — Hundreds of Syrian refugees opt to go back to Syria as anti-refugee sentiment surges in Lebanon.
Lebanon (MNN) — Europe and the Middle East play ping pong with Syrian refugees.
Lebanon (MNN) — Heart for Lebanon continues its outreach to thousands of displaced families.
Lebanon (MNN) — As conflict at Lebanon’s southern border drags on, the nation is changing one family, one child at a time as they grasp God’s love.
Lebanon (MNN) — Along with food and clothing, Heart for Lebanon provides emotional care and the hope of Christ.
Lebanon (MNN) — The exchange heightens fears of an Israel-Hezbollah war.