Burma (PRD/MNN) — 12 medical workers trained to help villagers.
Burma (PRD/MNN) — 12 medical workers trained to help villagers.
Myanmar (MNN) — Story of a new believer, an ultimatum, and a sacrifice in Myanmar.
Burma (MNN) — Myanmar religion laws under scrutiny.
Thailand (MNN) — Rumors of repatriating Karen refugees troubles victims and aid groups.
Int’l (MNN) — A practical movement to a self-sustaining ministry.
Myanmar (MNN) — Detailed report of torture in Burma released after three years.
Burma/Thailand (MNN) — Thai coup gets royal endorsement; Rohingya crisis grows.
Burma (MNN) — A slow, but steady genocide: will you pray?
Int’l (MNN) — Caring for kids in the world is a family event.