Burma (MNN) — GFA has yet to hear from missionaries after Burma earthquake
Burma (MNN) — GFA has yet to hear from missionaries after Burma earthquake
Burma (MNN) — A quake may be the answer to the prayer of Burma’s refugees
Burma (MNN) — Media will be banned from covering elections next month
Burma (MNN) — Uprising across the Middle East sparks effort in Burma
Burma (MNN) — Ministry urges prayer for Burma’s upcoming election
Burma (MNN) — More voices added to chorus calling for probe on human rights abuses in Myanmar
Burma (MNN) — In spite of rigid control, the Gospel shines brightly in Burma
Burma (MNN) — Media continues to ignore genocide
Burma (MNN) — U.S. backs ‘war crimes’ panel for Burma
Burma (MNN) — Thousands of Karen in Burma are dead or displaced, help from Christians is needed