Burma (MNN) — Report exposes continued persecution of Burmese Christians
Burma (MNN) — Report exposes continued persecution of Burmese Christians
Nepal (MNN) — Innovative outreach in Nepal sees response
Tibet (MNN) — Pioneers chip away at walls in Tibet
Laos (MNN) — Plain-clothes police arrest and detain Christians; offer no explanation
Myanmar (MNN) — Many are turning to faith in Jesus since the cyclone; they need our help
Myanmar (MNN) — Ministry sees doors open for Christians
Myanmar (MNN) — Matching gift doubles church donations to send New Testaments to Myanmar
Russia (MNN) — Upcoming radio outreach into Buryatia to bring hope
USA (MNN) — Interserve USA offers a response to the Dalai Lama’s U-S tour.
Sri Lanka (MNN)–Believers fear militant Buddhist aggression in Sri Lanka.