Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Thousands more books still needed for charred seminary to rebuild
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Thousands more books still needed for charred seminary to rebuild
India (MNN) — Great Crate headed to India could impact thousands
International (MNN) — CRI sets 2011 goal: 30 percent more books shipped to pastors
International (MNN) — Don’t sell those garage sale items just yet
Nepal (MNN) — Faltering peace process won’t stop intrepid ministry
Nepal (MNN) — Used books to save lives in Nepal
Nepal (MNN) — Christian Resources International has big plans for 2010: books, Bibles, and bucks
Madagascar (MNN) — One woman reaches thousands of children with the Gospel
Ethiopia (MNN) — You can reach Ethiopians with the Gospel as you clean out your bookcase
Philippines (MNN) — Faith and peace go head-to-head as team resources church leaders