USA (MNN) — Mark Schultz concert provides night of worship, outreach, and information for CRI.

Philippines (MNN) — OM Ships’ vessel Logos Hope welcomes her three millionth visitor.

Philippines (MNN) — OM Ships’ vessel “Logos Hope” welcomes her three millionth visitor on board

Africa (MNN) — While radical Islam is growing in Kenya and Nigeria, CRI is reaching out.
Nigeria (MNN) ― Christian Resources International (CRI) is adding a new tab to their ministry binder with a book distribution center in Nigeria.

Nigeria (MNN) — New book distribution center advancing ministry
India (MNN) — Christian Resources International books will reach deep within India

Kenya (MNN) — Dust off those old books: we have something you can do with them

Nigeria (MNN) — Black market Bibles and violence aren’t keeping CRI’s work out of Nigeria

USA (MNN) — ‘Tilt’ goes viral for Bibles, but thousands still needed