Nigeria (MNN) — Fulani more vicious than Boko Haram, says human rights attorney.
Nigeria (MNN) — Chibok survivors begin a new chapter in the United States; millions out of school in Nigeria.
Nigeria (MNN) — The letters, delivered to local police stations, told Christians to close their churches or face death.
Nigeria (MNN) — The U.S. Department of State did not designate Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern in 2021.
International (MNN) — Leaders fear increased terrorist activity in India and Africa following the Taliban takeover.
Nigeria (MNN) — Pastors say they’re burying church members on a near-daily basis.
Nigeria (MNN) — Crises in Afghanistan and Haiti may dominate mainstream news, but equally dire circumstances plague Nigeria.
Nigeria (MNN) — Nigeria’s government is considering a bill that would criminalize ransom payments for the return of abducted schoolchildren.
Africa (MNN) — Trademark IS moves, like the crucifixions in Mozambique earlier this year, raise concerns about a second caliphate.
Nigeria (MNN) — Over 2,000 churches have been destroyed since 2015.