China (MNN) — It may be the start of a new year, but China is up to its old tricks.
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China (MNN) — It may be the start of a new year, but China is up to its old tricks.
Iraq (CAM) — Gospel seeds planted during March papal visit bear fruit.
Peru (MNN) — The upcoming shipment to Peru will mark Mission Cry’s 179th country.
India (MNN) — Christians in the Chhattisgarh region fear the words could stir violence.
International (MNN) — Noticed any shortages recently?
Pakistan (MNN) — The quake killed over 20 people and injured at least 300.
Pakistan (MNN) — Mission Cry gave 2,000 Bibles to people living in about 500 homes around the site
Iran (MNN) — Regular smugglers get the Bibles across the border, along with other contraband.
Afghanistan (MNN) — U.S. recommits to August 31 deadline; troops begin leaving on Friday.
India (MNN) — This region has often been known for Hindu extremism.