USA (MNN) — Ministry highlights the continued call for gently-used Bible resources
USA (MNN) — Ministry highlights the continued call for gently-used Bible resources
India (MNN) — World Bible Translation Center says Bibles and other Christian resources have been destroyed in India violence
Suriname (MNN) — IBS-STL distributes Scripture resources in Suriname
International (MNN) — Unused Bibles soon to be headed to the field
International (MNN) — Christian Resources International needs funds to ship materials
India (MNN) — Massive rat infestation has a village facing starvation, help is needed
Nepal (MNN) — Used Christian resources find new life in a church in Nepal
Peru (MNN) — IBS-STL send Scriptures to quake survivors in Peru
Uganda (MNN) — Government leaders ask for their own Bible
United States (MNN) — Women share testimony of the impact one Bible had on their lives