USA (MNN) — Bibles for China is gearing up for another distribution in China, your help is needed
USA (MNN) — Bibles for China is gearing up for another distribution in China, your help is needed
Saudi Arabia (MNN) — Voice of the Martyrs asks believers to pray for Christian in Saudi Arabia
England (MNN) — High traffic for outreach groups working Olympic Games
Nepal (MNN) — 9-year-old girl walks an hour to get her hands on Children’s Bible
China (MNN) — 12 Californians headed to distribute 5,000 Bibles in rural China
USA (MNN) — CRI going triple threat with crate shipments to three countries
Ukraine (MNN) — Euro 2012 tournament is the focus of outreach
India (MNN) — Hindu village in need of New Testaments gets help from Chaplain of a retired community
Pakistan (MNN) — Blasphemy laws cloud justice; small windows for outreach
USA (MNN) — Zondervan to give Bibles and books to ministries serving six countries.