Sudan (MNN) — Sudan’s political headway reverses but the Gospel is advancing.
International (MNN) — Only one of the world’s 374 sign languages has a full Bible.
South Asia (MNN) — Bilingual believers produce Scripture using Church-Centric Bible Translation.
Sudan (MNN) — Using training and tools from unfoldingWord, bilingual believers can translate God’s Word into minority languages.
USA (MNN) — Do you enjoy living out of an RV?
USA (MNN) — The opportunities in global missions, as well as the need for people to fill them, are endless.
Iran (MNN) — The Islamic regime in Iran seeks even more power over religious minorities.
International (MNN) — Believers in a former Soviet Union country translate 3 John into their heart language using CCBT.
International (MNN) — Church-Centric Bible Translation provides a solution to translation consultant shortage.
USA — You can give someone the gift of having a Gospel impact!