Uganda (MNN) — Board members also examined a new approach gaining ground in places like Uganda – Oral Bible Translation.
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan fades into the background as world watches war in Israel.
International (MNN) — IBSD distributes Bibles to Iranians living in the diaspora.
East Africa (MNN) — Travel for water leaves little time for anything else in drought.
International (MNN) — Like the Gutenberg press, A.I. could make Scripture more accessible by making the translation process more efficient.
International (MNN) — Meta, the parent company of social media giants Facebook and Instagram, is using the Bible to train its artificial intelligence speech tool.
Sudan (MNN) — Fierce battles break out in Sudan as the army tries to cut off militia supply lines.
Sudan (MNN) — Guerrilla forces routinely open fire on crowds of people as they flee, killing dozens each time.
East Africa (MNN) — Churches function as makeshift hospitals or care centers in war-like situations.
Chad (MNN) — Church-planting Bible translators make headway in Chad.