Chad (MNN) — Last spring, we told you about a concerted effort to bring Scripture to Chad’s unreached people groups.
Iran (MNN) — Iran’s government may be hostile to Christianity and the Gospel, but Iran’s people are hungry for truth.
Sudan (MNN) — Pray for strength and endurance as Sudanese Christians continue Bible translation work.
Sudan (MNN) — Famine haunts millions as rebel forces prepare to move on the last capital in Darfur that’s not under their control.
Sudan (MNN) — USCIRF says the impact of Sudan’s civil war on religious communities is a cause for concern.
International (MNN) — For many Christians in the world today, survival sometimes puts ministry on hold.
Sudan (MNN) — When it’s a struggle to find daily food, ministry projects often have to take a back seat. Bible translators who have fled Sudan need wisdom for what ministry looks like now.
Iran (MNN) — Bible translation builds up the Church in a Middle Eastern nation that is full of more good news than you might think.
Madagascar (MNN) — A recent trip to Madagascar brought Wycliffe USA leaders face-to-face with church leaders doing Bible translation.
Sudan (MNN) — Ministry while on the run from war shows that these Bible translators are utterly convinced their work matters.