Papua New Guinea (MNN) — Downpours cause devastating flooding in Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea (MNN) — Downpours cause devastating flooding in Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea (MNN/WAS) — Funds needed for new airplane to accelerate Bible translation
International (MNN) — Wycliffe a big part of global Great Commission effort
Chechnya (MNN) — Bible now ready to be part of peace question for Chechnya
International (MNN) — New development will bring Scripture to 6 billion around the globe
International (MNN) — Wycliffe reports major milestones in Bible translation
Mexico (MNN) — A missionary in Mexico uses an accident to answer a deeper question
International (MNN) — New platform allows believers to hide in plain sight
Papua New Guinea (MNN) — The ‘end of the talk’ nears for Biem people
Sub-Saharan Africa (MNN) — New manual would speed up translation work for 500 Bantu languages