International (MNN) — Wycliffe Associates relies on local churches to facilitate Bible translation.
International (MNN) — These Bibles translators need training, tools, support, and sometimes even food.
International (MNN) — DOOR improving technology, meeting Deaf needs during pandemic
Nigeria (MNN) — The Saare people are still waiting for Scripture in their heart language
International (MNN) — Wycliffe associates supports persecuted Christians in Bible translation and printing.
International (MNN) — Spoken Worldwide is making the Bible accessible to oral learners
International (MNN) — DOOR International is partnering with Deaf Harbor to create resources for training translation teams.
USA (MNN) — The statement responds to certain Bible translation trends.
USA (MNN) — Wycliffe Associates has selected Dr. Tim Neu to lead global translation projects.
Indonesia (MNN) — 2,400 Yali Bibles demonstrate a decades-long story of God’s faithfulness