India (MNN) — 25,000 audio Bibles seemed like an impossible goal…
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India (MNN) — 25,000 audio Bibles seemed like an impossible goal…
India (MNN) — One million language speakers to get audio Bibles soon
Mozambique (MNN) — The terminally ill find comfort from family members and audio Bibles.
International (MNN) — There’s an international thirst for God’s Word and Keys for Kids is providing the Living Water.
Mozambique (MNN) — Hope is rare as drought pushes three years.
India (MNN) — ASM dreams bigger and better for audio Bible distribution this year.
Nepal (MNN) — Sharing the Word with hard-to-reach villages is worth the time and effort.
International (MNN) — Audio Scriptures provide a new, simpler way of seeking God’s Word.
Mexico (ASM) — Audio Bibles help transform hearts and lives.